Saturday, April 18, 2015

Creating Art....

Through out this course, I have learned so much about the importance of multicultural curriculums, prejudice, bias, and equality. Out of all the wonderful knowledge and resources, I have gained through this course, there was one activity on identity, that really helped me get to know who I really am, it helped me visit my past, reflect on the present, and look onward into the future.

I Am …..

I am a native of Asheville, North Carolina.

I am from the mountains, where snow seems to linger all year long.

I am the daughter of a retired UPS worker, and a retired Early Educator.

I am the youngest of 7.

I am a child who received hand me downs often.

I am a child who was chosen last.

I am a teenager ashamed of her body.

I am the color of cocoa.

I am a single mother living in subsidized housing.

I am from a culture where it does not offend me to be referred to as “black”.

I am a student, a wife, and a mother of 5 girls, and two adorable fur babies.

I am an individual who lives in a middle class community, and I now own my own home.

I am from Methodists religion.

I am a nurse, psychologists, social worker, and a mother and father when they are absent. I am an Early Educator.

I am proud to have experienced my past, in order to have accomplished so much in my present.

I am…….




  1. Cynthia,
    Great selection in pictures to show the diverse of families in today’s world. Our past and early childhood influence who we are and how communicate and interact with others. Self reflecting and uncovering our biases is the beginning to uncovering “Who am I.”

  2. Hello Cynthia,

    I enjoyed reading your blog! I believe multicultural education is important for the field of teaching. In the profession, we encounter all people from different backgrounds. With that being said, we should use our knowledge of diversity to ensure every needs. Significantly, we should identify bias attitudes and try to search of strategies that would help eliminate negative beliefs towards others.

    Tanya Terrell

  3. Hi Cynthia,

    I think it is amazing that we can create things we can share with children that will help them grow and develop.
