Saturday, June 14, 2014

Daily Support...

 Daily Support... 

Having a circle of support has been a tremendous help for me mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

My niece is so good at "talking me off the ledge" when things seem to be stressing me out, and I feel overwhelmed. Our talks consists of a lot of listening to one another, but at no point do we ever say to each other, "you should have done this/that". Sometimes just listening helps the person facing the stress and challenges see the era of their ways, and also helps them to reflect on what they could have done differently. Without this support, I feel as though I would hold everything in, fall into some type of depression, and not really face the underlying issues.

Physically, my support has to be my career, although I work with many educators that fuss and complain about the strenuous labor of working with young children, I could imagine a day where I just sit down and do absolutely nothing. Not only do the children and I get to run, jump, and climb together, we are also able to take long hikes on our property, which also helps me mentally in terms of the calmness, and fresh air to think. Without this support, not only would I have been able to keep and maintain a great healthy lifestyle, but I would not have been exposed to Child Development, and the lessons i have learned throughout the years, that have helped me raise my 5 wonderful girls today!

Emotionally, my husband and children have gladly accepted this position! My husband and children are awesome at giving me hugs when they know I am tired or sad, soup and crackers when I am ill, and laughs and smiles when I am grieving (the loss of my mother). I could not imagine not having this type of support, I am very family oriented and enjoy company at all times. My oldest daughter graduated high school Friday night, and preparing for Fayetville State University, although I am very proud of her accomplishments, I must admit there will be a little emptiness inside of me.

Spiritually I look to my church family and friends, as well as spend time personally with my religious beliefs. My father plays a huge part in my spiritual moments as well. I am not sure what I would do without this support, because it was instilled in me at birth.


  1. Hi Cynthia,
    thanks for sharing about your daily supports. I think there are many aspects of our support systems that are very similar, though they may manifest themselves in somewhat different packages. I, too, relate to having a job that is challenging, but supports me in feeling fulfilled, constantly inspiring me, and filling me up with the joy of young children! There is nothing like it to help you enjoy life, in my opinion. I also relate to your comments about your niece "talking you off the ledge" and your church. My family and friends who can listening without judgment and without trying to fix it are my most vital support. Babies get to cry when they are stressed out and we need to talk and be heard! It's just so important!
    Thanks so much for your openness!

    1. Cynthia,
      I agree it is wonderful when you have individuals that will just listen and let you get what you need to off of your mind. Everyone needs the opportunity to express what they are feeling in order to stay clear of some negative side effects. Congratulations to your daughter, My oldest graduated last year and my second oldest will graduate next June.


  2. Cynthia,

    I loved that you saw the children you work with as support for your well-being.
    What a lovely perspective on your career, and life.

    All your supports mentioned are people, which is very special. Your family seems lovely and now you have a daughter in college. How wonderful.
    She will need her set of supports now, just like you.


  3. Hello Cynthia,
    It is good to have a support system. It seems to me that you have an all around support from family and it is great to have hugs from your children, I can relate. Great post
