Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Words of Inspiration and Motivation..

Through out my years in the Early Childhood profession I have gained so many resources, and have had the pleasure of learning about many individuals that have inspired me along the way. Out of many I have chosen to wonderful individuals to share with you all.....

Barbara T. Bowman, an African American educational leader that has devoted her her life advocating for young children from low-income families and minorities. Bowman emphasis the importance of inter generational family support and roles.
Although good early childhood programs can benefit all children, they are not a quick fix for all of society's ills--from crime in the streets to adolescent pregnancy, from school failure to unemployment. We must emphasize that good quality early childhood programs can help change the social and educational outcomes for many children, but they are not a panacea; they cannot ameliorate the effects of all harmful social and psychological environments.

Although good early childhood programs can benefit all children, they are not a quick fix for all of society's ills--from crime in the streets to adolescent pregnancy, from school failure to unemployment. We must emphasize that good quality early childhood programs can help change the social and educational outcomes for many children, but they are not a panacea; they cannot ameliorate the effects of all harmful social and psychological environments.
 " Although good early childhood programs can benefit all children, they are not a quick fix for all society's ills--from crime in the streets to adolescent pregnancy, from school failure to unemployment. We must emphasize that good quality early childhood  can help change the social and educational outcomes for many children, but they are not a panacea; they cannot ameliorate the affects of all harmful social and psychological environments".  
- Barbara T. Bowman

Vivian Gussin Paley, an advocate, educator, and author of many teacher research literature. Paley emphasis the importance of play in the classroom, as early educators we learn that children learn through real-life hands on experiences. Paley"s literature collections range from teaching educators about diversity, expression, and creativity.

"The answer, for me, is to be found once again within the function of play. Given that a child is not totally withdrawn, or uncontrollably violent, the play activities of a regular kindergarten group provide the best environment in which to learn about people and behavior. The five year-old who lacks controls must be given a chance to play with children who have them".
-Vivian Gussin Paley

In our Foundations of Early Childhood course we were introduced to a multimedia entitled; "The Passion for Early Childhood".   The presentation was based on five individuals responses to which lead their motivation and passion for working with young children. 
Louise Derman-Sparks stated; " The passion to make sure that all children were taught in environments that truly nurtured their ability to grow and develop to their fullest abilities".
Sandy Escobido mentioned in her section of the presentation that; "we as early educators have an opportunity to shape a child's life for the better".

Course Media: "The Passion for Early Childhood"
Five early childhood professionals share passion, motivation, and commitment to the early childhood field

"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow". - Anthony J. D'Angelo

Although good early childhood programs can benefit all children, they are not a quick fix for all of society's ills--from crime in the streets to adolescent pregnancy, from school failure to unemployment. We must emphasize that good quality early childhood programs can help change the social and educational outcomes for many children, but they are not a panacea; they cannot ameliorate the effects of all harmful social and psychological environments
Although good early childhood programs can benefit all children, they are not a quick fix for all of society's ills--from crime in the streets to adolescent pregnancy, from school failure to unemployment. We must emphasize that good quality early childhood programs can help change the social and educational outcomes for many children, but they are not a panacea; they cannot ameliorate the effects of all harmful social and psychological environments.


  1. Cynthia,
    I enjoyed your choice in quotes, and I had also found Sandy's statement to be inspiring.
    Your three additional quotes are excellent, particularly the one by Anthony J. D'Angelo. If we can give children in our care the passion to learn, it would be a great accomplishment for them lifelong.

  2. Cynthia,

    I am inspired each time I read a quote regarding the importance of play in a child's development. As an early childhood educator, I have often found myself at odds with what I know to be best practices for children's learning and development and the push for academics from other sources. Thank you for sharing Paley's quote.


  3. I am also inspired about any positive quotes pertaining to the growth and development of children. Its never to early to start celebrating and rejoicing in the fact that we have definitely chosen the right career path. We are destined to shape and mold lives in such a way that hopefully they will grow and develop into individuals that will be able to take care of us.


  4. I have always thought it to be a good idea to listen to older people, because they pave the way for us. You can really learn a lot through just using your listening ears. We are not trying to create students to be a certain way, we are developing them to be unique the way they are.
