My mother has always been there for all of us, she was the nurturer, the nurse, the psychologists, mentor, the daughter, sister, and wife. Through out my mother's life she has always taught me how to stand up for what I believe in, that is was okay to cry, but then I must always believe that there is a brighter light at the end of what may seem like the longest, darkest tunnel ever.
My mother was there for me through the birth of my 3 children, when I delivered mt twins at 25 weeks, I can remember my mother calling every day saying there was a prayer train going, and the girls will make it home soon. About 1 month after my mother touched my children in their incubators, she died suddenly from Renal failure. Her selflessness and strength has inspired me to be the mother, wife, educator, mentor, nurse, and psychologist I am today!
This Man, is my hero.. My father! My dad raised 7 children, I am the youngest of them all. My father is 73 years old, and believes in taking care of his health. He has always been a provider for my siblings and I. My dad worked for United Parcel Service for over 35 years before retiring. I can remember stories he told me from the early 70s just starting his job out, having to drive back and fourth through a town called Old Fort. In that time, Old Fort was not a very diverse area, in fact there were still restrooms labeled; "black and white".
My father told me stories of how most of the citizens, as well as store owners would spout out negative words to him, asking him to not return and deliver at a place where he was wanted.
This continued for many years, my determined and courageous father continued his deliveries in Old Fort, because at that time, the further you traveled, the more income you could bring in. When asked by his supervisor if he wanted to reroute, he stated; "this is my job, and no one will scare me away, or keep me from providing for my family".
My dad has taught me to continue to fight for what you believe in, no matter how hard the fight may seem, and a very important lesson was to speak up and firmly if it is for a cause you strongly believe in which is a goal I am personally working on to the day.
My wonderful husband and best friend! There is not enough words to express how much this man has done for me and his children. My husband works hard with very little complaining, he provides and supports all of us, he has been the rock through the passing of my mother, the PTSD, and Post Postpartum Depression I suffered through out it all, and the days when I wanted to fall down and give up, he has been my safety net and shoulder to lean on! This past December my husband lost his mother suddenly, she was 59 years old. My husband has always been the type of person who struggled with holding in his emotions to be strong for his children and I, he finally broke down weeks later while apologizing to me for being so weak.
The lesson I have learned from my husband is to not keep going holding things in, in fear of feeling weak being vulnerable can be a sign of strength and courage, because you are willing to ask for help, guidance, and strength.
The beautiful young lady on the right is my loving niece. My niece brings to my community motivation, strength, courage, and nurturing abilities. At the age of 14 my niece gave birth to her first son, and was emancipated from her family a year later. She spent years in shelters, and organizations that helped youth with children get on their feet. She met up with her child's father at the age of 16, married and thought that she finally found love and stability.
After years of struggling and loosing her young husband to the penal system, she realized she needed to provide consistency and a safe/healthy living environment for her and her son.
At the age of 30 she received her Bachelor's in Social work and is now attending Graduate school!

My best friend is a huge part of my village, she is also the god mother to my children.
ReplyDeleteWhat a blessing to have so many supportive and loving people in your life. You must treasure each one of them! When my husband lost his mom quite quickly to cancer we lost such a strong supportive and encouraging person in our lives and the lives of our children. Through her memory we are inspired to continue to share her love and lessons with our children. Thank you for sharing the inspiration that your mom has given you in making a difference in this world.
Cynthia, you have such a lovely family and seemed to have been surrounded by love. You were truly blessed. It takes a real woman to raise children that are not hers. And she raised there without showing any difference between them, she is a special lady. You are blessed.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loved your childhood web, especially about your mother and husband. She was extremely selfless to raise your half-siblings, and I know that has to be such a blessing to be born to such a strong woman. I am some-what a newlywed, my husband and I wed Sep 2012, and I thank God for him every single day as he is also my best friend, and amazing husband and father. I think you are a very blessed woman, and I admire your strength and courage to share your life through your blog!