Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sharing Web Resource..

While viewing the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP), I noticed an article; Investing in Young Children. The article talked about how quality programs are so beneficial to the growth and development in young children. “The children that are in risk of educational failure, are those experiencing poverty, or circumstances that may limit early experiences, and the benefits of attending an early learning center that promotes  rich educational programs” http://www.nccp.org/publications/pdf/text_1085.pdf. In my profession, it is very important for me to provide a nurturing, caring, safe, and purposeful learning environment for the children and families I serve. 

Under the section; Housing Subsidies and Child Development Publications; there was a discussion about the percentage of individuals living in low income housing, and how overcrowded units may be due to the physical conditions of the building and other related issues. I do think this is accurate in most cases, however I also feel as though individuals living in subsidy housing units face the issue of spending majority of their wages on rent, that in some cases may ban forces with other family members to live together, and make ends meet.

NCCP foundation works closely with the government and state to provide programs such as; Health and Nutrition, Early care and education, Parenting and economic support, which involves earned income and tax relief for families, child support, and TANF which provides temporary monetary assistance to families.

By exploring this website, I found resource articles on Adolescent Health& Youth Development, strategies that help children with social emotional skills, language skills, and academic skills that need to succeed in their early school years.

Housing subsidies and Child Development Publications. Retrieved from http://www.nccp.org/projects/housing_pubs.html.
Adolescent Health & Youth Development. Retrieved from http://www.nccp.org/topics/adhealth&youthdev.html
Early Care and Learning. Retrieved from http://www.nccp.org/topics/earlycareandlearning.html

Investing in Young Children, 2013. Retrieved from http://www.nccp.org/publications/pdf/text_1085.pdf


  1. Hi Cynthia,
    I read your blog and it seems that with all of the international organization as well as our local organizations are finding it hard to benefit children without having the right amount of funding backing them. So it seems that we all need high-quality and highly-qualified individuals to stand up and scream from the roof tops around the world that our young children a good education. Everyone needs to know that we need to get our families out of poverty for the future of all of us.

  2. Hi Cynthia, Your blog is very interesting and it's good to know that the NCCP works closely with the government and state in meeting the needs of children and families. I enjoy reading about programs and organizations that provide ways of assisting the needy in housing, education, youth development, parenting skills and so on, the outcomes for the children and families served would be positive, thanks to programs such as NCCP.

  3. Hi Cynthia,

    I enjoyed your blog. I enjoyed learning more about NCCP. I love the fact that they are truly focused on families and children. But, they have the understanding that parents need to be equipped and educated as well as their children. I love that they offer parenting skills, which is very much so needed. Most parents that we have contact with did not finish their education and are young, so this offers a great support to them.


  4. Hi Cynthia,
    I think that this resource will be very valuable for years to come because of the issues that tackle everyday. This webpage ties in perfectly for this class and I have looked into this webpage this week to see what they do.
