Sunday, March 30, 2014

Consequences of stress on children's development...

I worked with as family last year who had trouble financially. Mom had lost her job, and dad spent majority of the income from his wages on rent and utilities. Each day the mother and family would come into the classroom and sit with their son at the table. Their son would offer them components form his meal and they would accept. Mid-year, the child's mother spoke with me in the hallway and explained to me that she was having difficulty feeding her family. 
After speaking with my co-teacher we got together to compile a list of resources and services that would be very beneficial in helping this family provide hot and healthy meals for their children.

While reading an article entitled; " A Cry for Help", it stated that their are about 18 million individuals within the West African Region that suffer from hunger and drought. Because of the drought live-stock and crops are suffering unable to produce and nourish the country.
There are organizations such as; UNICEF, Save the Children, Oxfam, and World Food Programme that help ensure that starving countries have clean water supply, adequate food supply, medical help, and shelter. 



  1. Great post Cynthia,
    I have not had firsthand experience such as yours, but I do know of some of the hardships that some of the families of the children I work with go through, and the stress of financial hardship. That was very good that you and your co-worker reached out and shared the resources you knew of to the families and I hope they were able to receive some form of assistance. You are so right about how good UNICEF and other programs that assist unfortunate families try to get them the things they so desperately need.

  2. Hi Cynthia,
    More than likely it was difficult for your student's mother to talk to you about her situation. Although helping parents is apart of our job, I applaud you and your co-teacher for taking the time to compile a list of resources and services that would help the family.
